Because What's Most Important is Taught at Home Empowering Black Families It Takes a Village Imformation is Power Putting Family First Learning is Freedom

Code Of Conduct Guidelines

indicates a required answer

As a member of Home Grown Homeschooler, Inc. I agree to: 

  • I will use my real name and real picture for my profile or in my introduction post.
  • I will submit all registration forms prior to my first event.
  • I understand that myself, spouse, guardian or any approved guest must submit a copy of their driver's license to the admin for the safety of our families.
  • I understand the HGH annual membership Fee (per household) = $125 payable to Home Grown Homeschoolers, Inc. via this website. This covers basic group expenses throughout the school year. Fees will not be prorated for those who join after the start of the school year. Memberships are yearly and expire May 31st of every year.
  • I will communicate my attendance to events and co-op by RSVPing or communicating directly with my child(ren)'s group or Board member at least 24 hours prior to said event/co-op. If I am scheduled to lead a class, I will notify my group and find coverage for the class in an appropriate amount of time. I understand it is my responsibility to keep up to date with emails, forum post, calendar and Band post on the regular, so as not to miss pertinent information.
  • I will participate by attending at least 2 Home Grown events (co-op/field trips) in a 30 day period and teach/co-teach at least 2 co-ops in a month ( in one day or seperate days) and ensure that I am teaching different groups when doing so. I will sign up and participate in a committee and be present for scheduled meetings or communicate my absence and follow up on missed information. If for reason of illness or emergent reasons, I will communicate my absence with the Board. If you are not consistent with participation your membership could be put on probation or canceled; considered null and void. Once your membership is canceled, if you would like to rejoin the group, you may have to re-apply and pay the membership fee again. (An active member writes in and engages in conversation with the other group members, joins in on co-ops, field trips, classes, events, and/or community service, assist with planning, teaching, joins in on meetings (Committee) and is willing to assist where needed and contributes to the group by volunteering or donating  time and/or resources.)
  • I understand that HGH is currently a supplemental co-op for the purposes of socialization, learning and fun. HGH is not here to provide a full and complete learning experience for your child.
  • I will inform HGH of my and/or my spouses gifts, talents, or willingness to volunteer and teach so that the board can effectively utilize our strengths for the upcoming school year.
  • My family will be on time (or communicate otherwise) and come prepared to co-op and events. I understand we start promptly at 10 am. I understand that consistent late arrivals could place my family on probation.
  • I will not drop off my child to any event unless I have made plans with another parent who will be responsible for them. I understand that if my child is sent with a guardian, that the guardian must have a background check done and license uploaded and participate in co-op by teaching/co-teaching and assisting where needed.
  • My children will not leave the room or roam without permission or an adult escort. My children will only walk and not run in the hallways and use inside voices only.
  • My family will respect any location that hosts HGH. I understand HGH is not responsible for damages caused by my family (child/ren) at any location we are holding space in. It is also important for the HGH general membership to understand that HGH does not carry general liability insurance for its members and HGH activities and you are responsible for any injuries to self or to others caused by you. If any injury does occur I agree to report it and complete an injury or damage report for HGH's records within 24 hrs.
  • I will respect everyone's beliefs, religion, and culture within the group.
  • My family understands HGH has zero tolerance for and we will not participate in gossiping, arguing, physical fighting, lying, stealing, cursing, harassing, bullying, discriminating or disrespecting any member. I also will not be vulgar, obscene, abusive, harrassing, hateful or threatening towards any member or host of any HG event. I will not sow discord or cause division within the group or its members. I understand that any of these behaviors can lead to my family and I being removed form the group immediately.
  • My family will respect everyone's privacy to include not sharing outside of the group (even with former members) personal information such as phone numbers/addresses, emails or pictures or personal details of other group members. As well as respecting and not sharing details, photos, events, or post with any person or group outside of HGH without board's approval. (At times we may include other groups to participate in "Open" events.)
  • I understand that any approved guest I invite must provide a copy of their a driver's license for safety reasons.
  • I will not promote, advertise, spam, recruit or use "leading" or" phishing" post within the group without approval from the administration.
  • I will not defame or smear the name or reputation of Home Grown Homeschoolers Inc. or its representatives to former, current or future members.
  • I will not proselytize any member of Home Grown
  • My family will be mindful of our hygiene when attending events and co-ops. and adhere to our dress code at all HGH events, field trips and/or co-op.
  • I will not bring outside people to HG events unless they are family or prospective co-op members approved by the board first.
  • I understand that if any member of my family is disruptive or does not follow these guidelines at co-op or any field trip or event may lead to including but not limited to a warning, time out and/or asked to leave for the remainder of the day or event.
  • Possession or use of tobacco, e-cigarettes or vaping devices, alcohol, or illegal drugs is prohibited. Possession or use of weapons or other dangerous objects is prohibited. Weapons are defined to include, but are not limited to, knives and incendiary or explosive devices of any kind. I will follow the law in regard to possession of guns on any property we may hold space in as a group.
  • I agree to communicate effectively any questions, concerns or comments to the board, admins or committee lead and/or share my thoughts or questions respectfully through our forum, group text or on Band or in meetings. I also agree not to post any confrontational, divisive or disrespectful post or text and if I do the board reserves the right to delete the post without notification. I understand this could place me in violation and my account parked.
  • I understand that HGH holds monthly meeting, polls and/or surveys to gather information to better serve our group. I will participate in these so my voice is represented and so HGH can better serve my family as well as the other families in our group.
  • I understand HGH is for children 10 and up.  My child/ren have to stay in their assigned age group and can not move to the next  age group if birthday is not on or before September 2nd.  If there is a younger sibling 6-9 yrs, they will stay with the Cubs group and participate in activities or stay with a parent when necessary. Any sibling 5 and under will stay with the parent at all times.
  • For the purpose of payment or refund for HGH planned events, member-planned events, and field trips, it is asked that all participants abide by these rules.
    • If there is an out of pocket payment, it is due immediately upon sign-up for an event, field trip or activity to reserve your spot. If the invoice is not paid upon sign-up, your placement for the event is not secured & your name will be deleted.
    • Paypal payments are the accepted form of payment for all sign-ups to instantly secure your spot which can be made on the website. 
    • Full refunds will only be offered to families if the field trip or event was canceled by HGH.
    • Partial refunds MAY be given (less Paypal fees) only if another family can use the tickets, such as in the case of a waiting list. In the case where no other families are available to use the tickets, or the location refuses, refunds may not be issued.
    • If you need to cancel your tickets for any reason, you are welcome to sell or give your tickets to another HGH family by advertising using our website forum or Band group. Please notify the event organizer of the family change in a timely manner.

  • I understand that HGH will always try to offer field trips and events at a low or no cost, but is not bound by that. I understand that all field trips, events, supplies, ect., are available by donations, grants and fundraising. When funds are low or out it is my responsibility along with my fellow members to work collectively to bring in more funding and cover any of my expenses for field trips, events, etc.

  • When a field trip or event is covered by HGH, I am responsible for communicating any changes to my plans and will be responsible for reimbursing HGH if I was included in the paid count and do not attend. I understand I will not be able to attend another field trip or event until invoice is paid. If my family and I are more than 15 minutes late to a field trip or event, I understand I will be responsible for our entry fee. I will be flexible and understand that there may be changes made or updated to plans that are out of the hands of the board or field trip committee. I also understand it is my responsibility to keep up with any correspondence and my response may be required in a timely manner.

  • I understand and agree that any donations I acquire under the name of Home Grown Homeschoolers Inc. must be paid directly through the HGH website.

  • Any reimbursements for supplies, purchases or work provided (volunteered or otherwise) for HGH must first be agreed upon by the Board and put in writing (work provided), I must provide original receipt/invoice/contract within 14 days of purchase or agreed upon work in writing. Any said purchased items belongs to HGH for future use and will be stored by HGH. I understand that if I or anyone I represent makes a donation and desire a donation reciept it is my responsibility to request it and it will be emailed to me upon request within 14 days of said donation.

  • I understand that everything we are able to do for our co-op is done through volunteering and/or by the donations, grants and sponsorships we receive. Financial assistance is acquired by all of us collectively seeking out opportunities and funding. There will be a need for fundraisers, seeking sponsor or investors, grant writing and applying and donations.  I agree that if it is necessary to take a cash donation, I will ensure safe-keeping and turn in full amount with donors information to the board as soon as possible. I understand we operate on a honor code system and if my family or myself dishonors this agreement we will be permanently removed from the group. As a member of our group it is essential that you participate in helping HGH grow in every way, especially financially. 

  • I understand that as a new or renewing member I am required to do a New member interview or a Renewing Member Review Interview or participate in mandatory parent meeting. I am responsible for scheduling my interview before the end of the registration period. If I fail to schedule I may lose my opportunity to register and participate with HGH. Schedule interview by going to [email protected] or one of your childrens admin's email provided in your welcome letter.

  • I understand that as a new member I must also submit a cleared background check for any participating parent/guardian before my membership is official as well as upload a valid driver's license for all participating adults. This is for the safety of our youth and their families. Background checks must be completed by the end of registration period (7/31/23) by going to (HGH does not recieve any personal information from Safe Visitors about members; only clearance) I am responsible for the cost of $9.95 pp.  Failure to complete this step will result in an incomplete registration and will cancel your registration process and prevent you from participating in HGH.

  • I understand that the code of conduct guidelines applies to all new and renewing/current members family and guest and children and it is my responsibility to ensure they are informed of the guidlines.

  • I understand that each member of my family must purchase and wear the HGH t-shirt to all field trips or notated events. As well as follow the Dress Code at co-op or at field trips and events.

  • I understand that this is a Non-profit organization with By-Laws. The Board of Directors reserves the right to ammend By-Laws, guidlines, policies and procedures without notice. I understand that By-Laws, guidlines, policies and procedures are provided for me to review at anytime. I understand that though we are a parent involved group (parents teach and volunteer) the board decides and make all final decisions. I understand that as a parent involved (parents teach/volunteer) group I am ultimately responsible for my children/family to uphold and adhere to any guidlines, policies and procedures and failure to do so and consequences are on me and not the resposibility of HGH or any of its representatives.

  • I understand when attending any of our co-ops, field trips or events, You agree, both for yourself, spouse and any minor person for whom you are parent or guardian,  including, but not limited to, photos/recordings/videos of your likeness may be used in publications, social media, website and any other medium for promotional, advertising, education or other lawful purposes. You agree to release and waive any claims or rights of compensation or ownership regarding such uses and understand that all such images/recordings/videos shall remain the property Home Grown Homeschoolers Inc, indefinately.

  • I understand that the code of conduct can be updated at anytime and it is my responsibility to leep up to date with any updates.

    Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct Guidelines could result in a loss of privileges during any HGH events and in the future; including but not limited to probation, suspension or termination of HGH membership or volunteer service with no refunds. I understand that if my membership is terminated due to violations of the code of conduct, responsibility contracts and/or the group or any of its members, my family and I will no longer have access to any platform of HGH and we will not be allowed to return.


Ammended 10/23

1. *

Typing your First and Last Name below means that you understand that you are electronically consenting that you read, understand and agree to the HGH Code of Conduct Guidlines above for you and as a representative of your family.

2. *

Today's Date:

3. *

Check below your status:

 (1 required)
New Member Current Member
Renewing Member
4. *

Renewal Date: